首頁 即時動態(tài) 國際獎訊|溫斯羽作品榮獲日本IDPA AWARD國際先鋒設(shè)計大獎金獎

國際獎訊|溫斯羽作品榮獲日本IDPA AWARD國際先鋒設(shè)計大獎金獎

來源:家居百科 時間:2024年06月25日 12:06

國際獎訊|溫斯羽作品榮獲日本IDPA AWARD國際先鋒設(shè)計大獎金獎

??近日,2024第五屆日本 IDPA AWARD 國際先鋒設(shè)計大獎評選結(jié)果揭曉,邁格(沈陽)空間設(shè)計溫斯羽作品「西安徐氏搓澡館 」榮獲IDPA AWARD 娛樂空間設(shè)計金獎。

??Recently, the results of the 5th Japan IDPA AWARD International Pioneer Design Award in 2024 were announced, and Mag (Shenyang) Space Design Wen Siyu's work "Xi'an Xu's Bathroom" won the IDPA AWARD Entertainment Space Design Gold Award.

國際獎訊|溫斯羽作品榮獲日本IDPA AWARD國際先鋒設(shè)計大獎金獎


國際獎訊|溫斯羽作品榮獲日本IDPA AWARD國際先鋒設(shè)計大獎金獎


??日本IDPA AWARD國際先鋒設(shè)計大獎于2018年創(chuàng)立于日本東京,由CEIDA 中歐國際設(shè)計協(xié)會、CIID88中國國際室內(nèi)設(shè)計網(wǎng)、日本東京株式會社バ ンブー?メディア及日本建筑和內(nèi)裝設(shè)計行業(yè)組織、日本著名的設(shè)計機構(gòu)和設(shè)計師聯(lián)合舉辦。

??The IDPA AWARD International Pioneer Design Award was founded in Tokyo, Japan in 2018, and is jointly organized by CEIDA China Europe International Design Association, CIID88 China International Interior Design Network, ー of Tokyo Corporation, Japanese Architecture and Interior Design industry organization, and Japan's famous design agencies and designers.

國際獎訊|溫斯羽作品榮獲日本IDPA AWARD國際先鋒設(shè)計大獎金獎

△2023 JAPAN IDPA AWARD |日本國際先鋒設(shè)計大獎頒獎盛典 

??日本IDPA AWARD國際先鋒設(shè)計大獎旨在發(fā)現(xiàn)和表彰全球在建筑設(shè)計、室內(nèi)設(shè)計、產(chǎn)品設(shè)計領(lǐng)域最具創(chuàng)新和創(chuàng)造力的優(yōu)秀的設(shè)計師和設(shè)計機構(gòu),并通過IDPA AWARD國際先鋒設(shè)計大獎,推廣和傳播全球最前沿的設(shè)計文化和設(shè)計理念,加速設(shè)計相關(guān)產(chǎn)業(yè)全球化的可持續(xù)發(fā)展的進程,實現(xiàn)全球各國的交流合作、協(xié)同發(fā)展、合作共贏的發(fā)展愿景。

??Awards to discover and recognize the world in the field of architectural design, interior design, product design is the most innovative and creative outstanding designers and design agencies, and through the event platform, promote and spread the global forefront of design culture and design concept, accelerate the design industry the sustainable development process of globalization, realize the global exchanges and cooperation, coordinated development, win-win development vision.


項目名稱 / Name | 西安徐氏搓澡館

項目地址 /  Location | 中國·西安

項目面積 / Area  | 5180㎡

設(shè)計師 / Designer  | 溫斯羽

獎項類別/ Award type | 娛樂空間設(shè)計 金獎

國際獎訊|溫斯羽作品榮獲日本IDPA AWARD國際先鋒設(shè)計大獎金獎

國際獎訊|溫斯羽作品榮獲日本IDPA AWARD國際先鋒設(shè)計大獎金獎

國際獎訊|溫斯羽作品榮獲日本IDPA AWARD國際先鋒設(shè)計大獎金獎















??Maige Space Design was founded by the avant-garde designer Wen Siyu in 2021. As an original design company for the entire project, Maige Space Design has been deeply involved in health, vacation, hot springs, hotels, clubs, and urban water for 10 years, with cooperative projects covering more than 30 cities across the country. Having an experienced design elite team dedicated to creating value and bringing value through design is also the driving force for these young designers. Design philosophy: Advocate the design concept of "coexistence of humanistic goodness and beauty, happiness and benefits", emphasizing the balance between creative design and commercial value.


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網(wǎng)址: 國際獎訊|溫斯羽作品榮獲日本IDPA AWARD國際先鋒設(shè)計大獎金獎 http://tifacciolafesta.com/newsview109573.html
