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合舍新作 | Picnic畫廊 一張折紙引發(fā)的想象

來源:家居百科 時間:2020年04月13日 15:58


Most galleries consist of plain white walls. HeShe’s design approach is to draw inspiration from paper folding techniques, and interpret the white wall as a piece of paper.  The two fundamental folding techniques which evoke two very different moods of light and shadows are crease folding and curve folding. Using the analogy of crease folding in building walls, the edges of the walls are detailed with acute angle, creating pronounced shadows in contrast with the adjacent windows and walls.

▼畫廊外立面,street facade ?黎不妞

▼入口,entrance ?黎不妞

▼一樓展示區(qū),ground floor exhibition area ?黎不妞

▼后方小街場景,view to the small back alley ?黎不妞

在主展區(qū),向內凹的墻壁朝展覽空間呈現彎曲,帶著曲線的墻面產生出的柔和的光影,為觀展者帶來更加平和的展出氛圍。原有窗戶前設計一些能移動白色墻體。 美術館長能按照主題與藝術展覽品來控制天然燈光或者人工照明??臻g燈光控制有靈活性, 也增加光與影的層次感。

For the second floor main exhibition area, the concave wall is curved towards the room. This analogy of wall as curved paper creates softer shadows, and consequently a calmer atmosphere for the viewers.  In addition, we designed white sliding walls in front of existing windows.  This gives the curator the flexibility to combine either natural light or artificial light with their art installation, and consequently creating different mood of shadows on the curved wall.

▼二樓主要展示區(qū),帶有人工照明,main exhibition area on the second floor with artificial light ?黎不妞

▼二樓主要展示區(qū),帶有自然光,main exhibition area on the second floor with natural light ?黎不妞

由于畫廊的功能介于傳統(tǒng)嚴謹的畫廊和可供休憩的咖啡館之間, 我們懷揣“玩耍”的態(tài)度挑選出家具,安排了座位布局與陳列品的擺放。家具挑算也是按照我們的概念想法,帶有紙張,折疊和彎曲的構思。

Given that the project lies somewhere in between a quiet composed gallery and a causal cafe, it gives us the freedom to be a bit playful with furniture selection, temporary seating arrangement and display items placement.  When looking for furniture for the multipurpose area, we tried to find chairs and tables that follows the idea of paper, folding and bending.

▼樓梯,staircase ?黎不妞

▼多功能區(qū)域,multipurpose area ?黎不妞

▼從室內望向街道,view to street level ?黎不妞

▼墻體細節(jié),wall detail ?黎不妞

▼一層平面圖,ground floor plan ?HeShe

▼二層平面圖,second floor plan ?HeShe

項目名稱:Picnic Gallery


設計公司:合舍 HeShe

項目面值: 170平方米

燈光顧問: ERCO Lighting

地板材料: Imondi flooring

家具品牌: Mario Tsai Studio, Mountain Living

植物顧問: Moodever Studio

平面設計顧問: Yao Min


業(yè)主: Raya Zhou

攝影師: 黎不妞


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網址: 合舍新作 | Picnic畫廊 一張折紙引發(fā)的想象 http://tifacciolafesta.com/newsview4811.html

