首頁 即時動態(tài) 設(shè)計師白帆榮獲多項MUSE Design Award繆斯國際設(shè)計獎

設(shè)計師白帆榮獲多項MUSE Design Award繆斯國際設(shè)計獎

來源:家居百科 時間:2022年11月15日 15:16

         2022年10月14日,繆斯設(shè)計獎(MUSE Design Awards)正式宣布2022年大獎得主,在這個競爭激烈的賽季中,素有“跨界玩家”稱譽(yù)的望見璽品牌創(chuàng)始人、設(shè)計總監(jiān)白帆先生,斬獲產(chǎn)品設(shè)計愛好與休閑類金獎、玩具類銀獎兩項殊榮,引起業(yè)內(nèi)矚目。

美國MUSE Design Award官網(wǎng)公布獲獎作品Beltman

         作為當(dāng)今著名的設(shè)計大獎之一,MUSE Design Awards (繆斯設(shè)計獎)是一個為設(shè)計師提供的國際競賽與交流平臺,旨在表彰、慶祝房地產(chǎn)開發(fā)、室內(nèi)設(shè)計、建筑、景觀設(shè)計和營銷領(lǐng)域的最高成就,重點關(guān)注人體工程學(xué)、創(chuàng)新性、生活水平、原創(chuàng)性和可持續(xù)性,鼓勵優(yōu)秀的設(shè)計師們通過工藝改變范式,并以獨創(chuàng)性和徹底的作品讓他人驚嘆不已,也因此重新定義了邊界和范圍 —— 就像一個繆斯。


創(chuàng)意訪談 Q&A



         Q.Why did you choose to become a designer? 是什么讓您成為設(shè)計師?

         A.Born into an artists’ family, I soaked up inspirations of various art genres in the process of growth. The impressions they left in my mind are like attractive commodities in “showcases”, and we are shoppers reflected on the glass windows. I hope to collect the inner worlds of different people into my “showcase”.出生于藝術(shù)家庭,在我成長過程中,不同藝術(shù)形式在我心中留下不同印象,是“櫥窗”般的存在,我們是倒映在“櫥窗”中的人,我希望把把不同人物的內(nèi)心世界縮影到我的“櫥窗”里。 

         Q.What does “design” mean to you? “設(shè)計”對您來說意味著什么?

         A.Design is a tool to tell stories.There is no such thing as a perfect design.There are a thousand Hamlets in a thousand people’s eyes. Design has different meanings for different people. Design plays a role in people’s lives, and it is meaningful only when it is connected with people.One can only pursue what he or she thinks perfect, and it may be something new for others.



         Q.To you, what makes a “good” design? 對您來說,什么才是“好”的設(shè)計?

         A.Designs that show attitudes, designs that reflect social phenomena, and designs that convey spiritual pursuits.



         Q.Describe your design style and its main characteristics. 請描述您的設(shè)計風(fēng)格及其主要特點。

         A.I like to ponder over social phenomena and dig into human nature deep inside, and then depict them with design language in an euphemistic, metaphorical manner. In terms of details, I pursue delicate contrast and pay attention to expressing feelings and telling stories with my design works. I also like to create characters that are both good and evil in my works, set up “naughty tricks” or create unexpected twists.


         Q.Tell us about your design process. 能否告訴我們您的設(shè)計過程。

         A.The process of conception starts with interactions with the world. I pay attention to prominent social problems and often chat with ordinary people to record their big dreams. Based on such interactions, I determine the start point and finishing line of my creation, and constantly make explorations and experiments in the process. Just like GPS leads us to our destinations via different routes, “all-digital R&D” makes the creation process more fault-tolerant and enables me to enjoy different views along the journey of design.


         Q.Congratulations! As the winner of the 2022 MUSE Design Awards, what does it mean to you and your company and team to receive this award distinction? 獲得2022年MUSE設(shè)計獎項,對您和您的團(tuán)隊意味著什么?

         A.It is of great significance for me to win this prize with international influence. It enables me to display my works and my thoughts on design worldwide, and connects my work with the world.


         Q.Where do you see the evolution of design industry going over the next 5-10 years? 您認(rèn)為未來5-10年設(shè)計行業(yè)的發(fā)展方向是什么?

         A.Nowadays, artificial intelligence replaces humans to complete basic creation and even some creative thinking. The continuous development of science and technology will push designers’ core capacity to the limits. In this context, design will transform, upgrade and become more spiritual, shifting towards a “soul-oriented” direction. I expect the day when man and machine are deeply integrated and co-exist will arrive soon.


         Q. What is your key to success? 您認(rèn)為成功的關(guān)鍵是什么?

         A.I’m curious about life because it can always touch me.



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網(wǎng)址: 設(shè)計師白帆榮獲多項MUSE Design Award繆斯國際設(shè)計獎 http://tifacciolafesta.com/newsview81907.html
